To connect to today's news there is the R.Kelly conviction and certainly he exercised mind control.

These are things I had forgotten but once they were important topics. Editing suggestion is use that "style" button to make subheadings so readers can follow more easily.

No idea why this would upset people they probably find it unbelievable. But why? Enough horrors in history show this intent.

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Well Charles got very upset that Cathy O'Brian spoke of Gerald Ford as her handler when she was in her teens. I tried to make the point that his personal incredulity is not a valid argument. That just because he couldn't believe it does not mean it cannot be true.

And then he said that it was a form of 'pornography' to discuss such things. He also alluded to something Sasha accused me of, posting a link to a pornographic video. And adding those two things together implied that my interest in the Cathy O'Brian case was in some way a matter of me being perverted myself.

As you can imagine the whole thing really pissed me off. I thought Charles and I were friends, and suddenly he turns on a dime and makes these vicious accusations! It was so weird, like out of the blue.

I am sorry if I seem to be on a rant here but it was so baffling...I really do not get it even still.

He acted like Jerry Ford was his dad or something. Which started me thinking sideways as well. Why such a violent reaction to this? Could it be that Charles was molested as a kid?

So, rather than discuss it further, I just said that it was over between us, That I would not reply to anything he said from that post onward.

Then more absurdities followed. He said I was denying his First Amendment freedom to speech! I am sorry but this sort of crazy shit coming from somebody I thought I had gotten to know...it was mind blowing. I pointed out that he was free to talk to anyone he wanted, I just wouldn't respond to him.

Then later I decided just to delete everything I had said to him. And vowed to myself never to answer him again.

I just had to get this off of my chest ... Now I think I can forget about the whole thing.

If I thought this mind control and child abuse thing ended with the files to MKUltra being destroyed, I wouldn't be so concerned. But you and I both know, this thing with children being sexually molested by organized groups is not a thing of the past. It is a pathology as old as humanity itself. It must be exposed as such, and those who refuse to face these terrible facts are part of the problem.

Somehow I can deal with this sort of thing. Just like I can deal with the fact of the loss of our republic. I can analyze things and not be effected emotionally. Of course I have my moments of horror, but it always turns to anger. And that anger gives my the energy to try to do something about it. So I write. I dig for the truth and try to expose it, no matter how awful it is.

People who don't want to face hard truths, will often blame the messenger. I need reminders of that from time to time.....


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It is best to cite sometimes and to expand. Also, I find if you have a long memory and have been paying attention you are so rare you have to modify what you say or say with notes to get them to pay any attention at all.

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Thank you Kathleen, that is an astute observation. I will be thinking on it for awhile.

Greenwald has published a new article on 'Covid 19'. This is a key subject now.

I view the 'Covid 19 Pandemic' as part of a two pronged attack on the current structure of the sociopolitical system. The second prong is the issue of 'global warming'. Both issues are synthetic. The result of the Hegelian Dialectic which is expressed thus:


According to the official narrative prong 1. the Thesis is the virus is natural and the pandemic is real. The medical establishment is doing all it can to come up with a lasting cure, the mRNA 'vaccines' are safe and effective.

Prong 2. Global warming is real and caused by modern industry and the maintenance of oil as the major source of energy. Only by moving to alternative sources of energy will the world's ecological system survive.

The Antithesis of prong 1. is that the virus is manmade, and that the pandemic is a conspiracy to destroy the sovereignty of Westphalian structure of individual states and instate a global dictatorship of technocrats currently promoting the "Great Reset" from The World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This agenda is led by Klaus Schwab and his comrades throughout the world.

Prong 2. is that global warming is a hoax. But this is not to deny that the environment is stressed by pollution created by modern industry and the greed of the corporatist state structures as currently maintained. All the solutions are false and can only continue to stress the environment until the corporatist structure is destroyed.

As you mention citations are needed to support my contentions.



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I'm not saying my little substack is perfect, but I use the edit bar esp. the footnote. That way you can add the citation and maybe a little more info in the footnote. You have to break up the text. You write such good text, but readers need you to make a path with subheadings. Today I wrote about Vasily Grossman and that could be a wall of text, but I tried to make it readable with footnotes explaining more. Do you believe that students today don't really understand what the USSR is versus Russia? Soviet collapse was 10 years before they were born. I know you 'know" this, but thinking that helps frame what you write about.

When the topics are so complex as yours here about MKUltra you have to think---if the typical reader is say 30. They were born at a time--1990s-- when all you cover was like WWII to someone born in the 1950s. I've taught a long time and every year have to think how to frame things so students will understand. This really hit home to me on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. My current students do not remember it as an event they experienced. They were 1 or 2.

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The footnote icon at top with neatly number your notes and if you decided to add one after you are done it renumbers them. Sorry, can't help this advice (librarian).

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MKUltra parts 1,2,3....??? might be a good idea. I will ponder this.


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"Do you believe that students today don't really understand what the USSR is versus Russia?"

My ex-wife brought back a really cool bronze and red inlayed pin from Latvia, where she was lecturing on NICU procedures -- 1998 or so.

[Newborn Intensive Care Unit.]

I had it pinned to my favorite jacket. I was buying a pack of cigarettes at a convenience store, and the young gal behind the counter commented on how cool the pin looked, and asked where I got it. I explained that it was a portrait of Lenin before the collapse of the USSR.

She said, "John Lennon? from where??" I was dumfounded....I said,

'No no no' Valdemar Lenin, the first premier of the Soviet Union.

She stood there with a blank face. I asked, haven't you ever heard of the Soviet Union? She shook her head. I said do you know where Russia is?

She said "yea, over in Europe somewhere...Right"

I said, "yea kinda"

She was about 20 something...had to be 21 to sell cigarettes and liquor....

I will never forget how disappointed I was at her utter ignorance of history.

We are living in the Brave New World...and it is really creepy.

Yea, I can do better editing on my articles. This one is so long, just putting up the test took hours.

No excuses, I can do better...

Thank you for your advice.


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Sometimes I just study the current maps--all those nations like Kyrgyzstan that were unknown during the Soviet years. If you teach college kids the confusion about Lenin vs. Beatles is all of them.

I think you should cut & paste your MKUltra into a few shorter posts. No reason not to do this. It's good info.

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